The Archdiocese has become aware of many spam e-mails that come from fraudulent impersonated Gmail accounts pretending to be from Parish Priests in our Archdioce.

They commonly include “parishpastor” and the name of parish priests, but are not sent from the priests’ email account.

Protective action has been taken to prevent these reaching diocesan accounts and proliferating the spam. However, they can still be generated elsewhere and can reach the accounts of those who have emailed diocesan accounts in the past.

So please be cautious. If you receive an email that seems to come from Fr Allen or the parish that looks suspicious, do not click on any links it may contain, or respond to it.

Instead, please send a separate email – but do not use the reply or forward facility – to Fr Allen or the parish office asking if it is authentic.

If it is confirmed that it is not authentic, please delete it from your inbox and from your deleted folder.