Evangelii Gaudium Sunday calls us to be joyous in proclaiming our faith. “Evangelii Gaudium” is Latin for “Joy of the Gospel”. The day supports the work carried out by the Mission Directorate on behalf of the Bishops’ Conference.

A key focus of work for the next few years is responding to Pope Francis’ calling of a Jubilee Year in 2025 with the theme Pilgrims of Hope. The Holy Father has invited the whole Church to prepare for the Jubilee in the two years prior through:

  • Reflecting on the four Constitutions of the Second Vatican Council in 2023.
  • Deepening our prayer life, with a special focus on the Lord’s Prayer, in 2024.

To support the Church in England and Wales in this important initiative the Mission Directorate has produced a series of videos on the four Constitutions which reflect on the Liturgy, the Word of God, the Church and on its role in the modern world. (NB These are not yet on the CBCEW website. Advice is thaey are to be posted on Friday 15th September.)